Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Dotnet Tutorials

Here are 29 books, tutorials, and chapters for learning about developing applications using the .Net (DotNET) Framework using C# (C Sharp), Visual Basic .NET, and ASP .NET. These learning and training materials are from many different web resources, and give you a great start or refresher in these Microsoft development technologies. All of these are in pdf format.

DotNET Progamming Books and Tutorials
An Overview of the .NET Technology
DotNET Tutorial
J2EE vs. Microsoft .NET
Sample Applications for .NET developers
Eiffel .Net (DotNet-XML-tutorial)
Security in the Microsoft .NET Framework

C# Progamming Books and Tutorials
C# Language Specification
A Programmer’s Introduction to C#, Second Edition
C# for Programmers
Basic Introduction to C#
C SharpThreading, Part I Intermediate Level Creating Threads
C Sharp Threading, Part II Intermediate Level
What is C# and Basic Requirements for C#
Introduction to C#
Advanced C#
Detailed C# Language Specification
Sharpen Up on C#
Visual C# .NET Developer's Handbook
User Interfaces in C#: Windows Forms and Custom Controls
Chapter 5: Advanced Class Design
Active C#

Visual Basic .Net Progamming Books and Tutorials
Visual Basic .NET Essentials For Experienced Programmers
Build Your Own ASP .NET Website Using C# & VB .NET
VB .NET coding standard

Migrating from COM and VB6 to VB .NET

ASP .NET Progamming Books and Tutorials
Introduction to ASP .NET
ASP .NET Introduction
An Introduction to ASP .NET
ASP .NET Fundamentals Introduction to ASP .NET 2.0 (VB .NET)

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