Wednesday, May 30, 2007

dotnet faqs 7

.NET Interview Questions And Answers [.NET Frequently Asked Questions ,.NET FAQ ]

What is "Microsoft Intermediate Language" (MSIL)?
A .NET programming language (C#, VB.NET, J# etc.) does not compile into executable code; instead it compiles into an intermediate code called Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL). As a programmer one need not worry about the syntax of MSIL - since our source code in automatically converted to MSIL. The MSIL code is then send to the CLR (Common Language Runtime) that converts the code to machine language, which is, then run on the host machine. MSIL is similar to Java Byte code. MSIL is the CPU-independent instruction set into which .NET Framework programs are compiled. It contains instructions for loading, storing, initializing, and calling methods on objects. Combined with metadata and the common type system, MSIL allows for true cross- language integration Prior to execution, MSIL is converted to machine code. It is not interpreted.

Differences between Datagrid, Datalist and Repeater?
1. Datagrid has paging while Datalist doesnt.
2. Datalist has a property called repeat. Direction = vertical/horizontal. (This is of great help in designing layouts). This is not there in Datagrid.
3. A repeater is used when more intimate control over html generation is required.
4. When only checkboxes/radiobuttons are repeatedly served then a checkboxlist or radiobuttonlist are used as they involve fewer overheads than a Datagrid.
The Repeater repeats a chunk of HTML you write, it has the least functionality of the three. DataList is the next step up from a Repeater; accept you have very little control over the HTML that the control renders. DataList is the first of the three controls that allow you Repeat-Columns horizontally or vertically. Finally, the DataGrid is the motherload. However, instead of working on a row-by-row basis, you’re working on a column-by-column basis. DataGrid caters to sorting and has basic paging for your disposal. Again you have little contro, over the HTML. NOTE: DataList and DataGrid both render as HTML tables by default. Out of the 3 controls, I use the Repeater the most due to its flexibility w/ HTML. Creating a Pagination scheme isn't that hard, so I rarely if ever use a DataGrid.
Occasionally I like using a DataList because it allows me to easily list out my records in rows of three for instance.

I am constantly writing the drawing procedures with System.Drawing.Graphics, but having to use the try and dispose blocks is too time-consuming with Graphics objects. Can I automate this?
Yes, the code

System.Drawing.Graphics canvas = new System.Drawing.Graphics();
//some code

is functionally equivalent to

using (System.Drawing.Graphics canvas = new System.Drawing.Graphics())
//some code
} //canvas.Dispose() gets called automatically

How do you trigger the Paint event in System.Drawing?
Invalidate the current form, the OS will take care of repainting. The Update method forces the repaint.

With these events, why wouldn’t Microsoft combine Invalidate and Paint, so that you wouldn’t have to tell it to repaint, and then to force it to repaint?
Painting is the slowest thing the OS does, so usually telling it to repaint, but not forcing it allows for the process to take place in the background.

How can you assign an RGB color to a System.Drawing.Color object?
Call the static method FromArgb of this class and pass it the RGB values.

What class does Icon derive from? Isn’t it just a Bitmap with a wrapper name around it?
No, Icon lives in System.Drawing namespace. It’s not a Bitmap by default, and is treated separately by .NET. However, you can use ToBitmap method to get a valid Bitmap object from a valid Icon object.

Before in my VB app I would just load the icons from DLL. How can I load the icons provided by .NET dynamically?
By using System.Drawing.SystemIcons class, for example System.Drawing.SystemIcons.Warning produces an Icon with a warning sign in it.

When displaying fonts, what’s the difference between pixels, points and ems?
A pixel is the lowest-resolution dot the computer monitor supports. Its size depends on user’s settings and monitor size. A point is always 1/72 of an inch. An em is the number of pixels that it takes to display the letter M.

What is the difference between VB 6 and VB.NET?

1,Object-based Language
2,Doesnot support Threading
3,Not powerful Exception handling mechanism
4,Doesnot having support for the console based applications
5,Cannot use more than one version of com objects in vb application called DLL error
6,Doesnot support for the Disconnected data source.


1,Object-oriented Language
2,supports Threading
3,powerful Exception handling mechanism
4,having support for the console based applications
5,More than one version of dll is supported
6,supports the Disconnected data source by using Dataset class

1. Object-based language
2. Does not support inheritance
3. ADO.Net does not give support for disconnected data architecture
4. No interoperability function
5. No support for threading

1. Object-Oriented Programming lanugage
2. ADO.Net gives support for disconnected data architecture
3. It provides interoperability
4. It uses managed code
5. supports threading
6. provides access to third-party controls like COM, DCOM

1.The concept of the complete flow of execution of a program from start to finish: Visual Basic hides this aspect of programs from you, so that the only elements of a Visual Basic program you code are the event handlers and any methods in class modules. C# makes the complete program available to you as source code. The reason for this has to do with the fact that C# can be seen, philosophically, as next-generation C++. The roots of C++ go back to the 1960s and predate windowed user interfaces and sophisticated operating systems. C++ evolved as a low-level, closeto- the-machine, all-purpose language. To write GUI applications with C++ meant that you had to invoke the system calls to create and interact with the windowed forms. C# has been designed to build on this tradition while simplifying and modernizing C++, to combine the low-level performance benefits of C++ with the ease of coding in Visual Basic. Visual Basic, on the other hand, is designed specifically for rapid application development of Windows GUI applications. For this reason, in Visual Basic all the GUI boilerplate code is hidden, and all the Visual Basic programmer implements are the event handlers. In C# on the other hand, this boilerplate code is exposed as part of your source code.
2. Classes and inheritance: C# is a genuine object-oriented language, unlike Visual Basic, requiring all code to be a part of a class. It also includes extensive support for implementation inheritance. Indeed, most well-designed C# programs will be very much designed around this form of inheritance, which is completely absent in Visual Basic.

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