Wednesday, May 30, 2007

net faqs 2

Microsoft .NET Interview Questions And Answers [Microsoft .NET Frequently Asked Questions ,Microsoft .NET FAQ ]

What are the advantages and drawbacks of using ADO.NET?
ADO.NET is rich with plenty of features that are bound to impress even the most skeptical of programmers. If this weren’t the case, Microsoft wouldn’t even be able to get anyone to use the Beta. What we’ve done here is come up with a short list of some of the more outstanding benefits to using the ADO.NET architecture and the System.Data namespace.

* Performance – there is no doubt that ADO.NET is extremely fast. The actual figures vary depending on who performed the test and which benchmark was being used, but ADO.NET performs much, much faster at the same tasks than its predecessor, ADO. Some of the reasons why ADO.NET is faster than ADO are discussed in the ADO versus ADO.NET section later in this chapter.

* Optimized SQL Provider – in addition to performing well under general circumstances, ADO.NET includes a SQL Server Data Provider that is highly optimized for interaction with SQL Server. It uses SQL Server’s own TDS (Tabular Data Stream) format for exchanging information. Without question, your SQL Server 7 and above data access operations will run blazingly fast utilizing this optimized Data Provider.

* XML Support (and Reliance) – everything you do in ADO.NET at some point will boil down to the use of XML. In fact, many of the classes in ADO.NET, such as the DataSet, are so intertwined with XML that they simply cannot exist or function without utilizing the technology. You’ll see later when we compare and contrast the “old” and the “new” why the reliance on XML for internal storage provides many, many advantages, both to the framework and to the programmer utilizing the class library.

* Disconnected Operation Model – the core ADO.NET class, the DataSet, operates in an entirely disconnected fashion. This may be new to some programmers, but it is a remarkably efficient and scalable architecture. Because the disconnected model allows for the DataSet class to be unaware of the origin of its data, an unlimited number of supported data sources can be plugged into code without any hassle in the future.

* Rich Object Model – the entire ADO.NET architecture is built on a hierarchy of class inheritance and interface implementation. Once you start looking for things you need within this namespace, you’ll find that the logical inheritance of features and base class support makes the entire system extremely easy to use, and very customizable to suit your own needs. It is just another example of how everything in the .NET framework is pushing toward a trend of strong application design and strong OOP implementations.

Hard as it may be to believe, there are a couple of drawbacks or disadvantages to using the ADO.NET architecture. I’m sure others can find many more faults than we list here, but we decided to stick with a short list of some of the more obvious and important shortcomings of the technology.

* Managed-Only Access – for a few obvious reasons, and some far more technical, you cannot utilize the ADO.NET architecture from anything but managed code. This means that there is no COM interoperability allowed for ADO.NET. Therefore, in order to take advantage of the advanced SQL Server Data Provider and any other feature like DataSets, XML internal data storage, etc, your code must be running under the CLR.

* Only Three Managed Data Providers (so far) – unfortunately, if you need to access any data that requires a driver that cannot be used through either an OLEDB provider or the SQL Server Data Provider, then you may be out of luck. However, the good news is that the OLEDB provider for ODBC is available for download from Microsoft. At that point the down-side becomes one of performance, in which you are invoking multiple layers of abstraction as well as crossing the COM InterOp gap, incurring some initial overhead as well.

* Learning Curve – despite the misleading name, ADO.NET is not simply a new version of ADO, nor should it even be considered a direct successor. ADO.NET should be thought of more as the data access class library for use with the .NET framework. The difficulty in learning to use ADO.NET to its fullest is that a lot of it does seem familiar. It is this that causes some common pitfalls. Programmers need to learn that even though some syntax may appear the same, there is actually a considerable amount of difference in the internal workings of many classes. For example (this will be discussed in far more detail later), an ADO.NET DataSet is nothing at all like a disconnected ADO RecordSet. Some may consider a learning curve a drawback, but I consider learning curves more like scheduling issues. There’s a learning curve in learning anything new; it’s just up to you to schedule that curve into your time so that you can learn the new technology at a pace that fits your schedule.

Why The JavaScript Validation Not Run on the Asp.Net Button But Run SuccessFully On The HTML Button
The Asp.Net Button Is post backed on the server & not yet Submit & when It goes to the server its states is lost So if we r using javascript in our application so we always use the Input Button in the asp Button

what is the difference between user control an custom control? advantages/disadvantages?
Web user controls Vs Web custom controls
Easier to create Vs Harder to create
Limited support for consumers who use a visual design tool Vs Full visual design tool support for consumers
A separate copy of the control is required in each application Vs Only a single copy of the control is required, in the global assembly cache
Cannot be added to the Toolbox in Visual Studio Vs Can be added to the Toolbox in Visual Studio
Good for static layout Vs Good for dynamic layout

What’s the difference between Response.Write() andResponse.Output.Write()?
Response.Output.Write() allows you to write formatted output

What is the use of ErrorProvider Control?
The ErrorProvider control is used to indicate invalid data on a data entry form. Using this control, you can attach error messages that display next to the control when the data is invalid, as seen in the following image. A red circle with an exclamation point blinks, and when the user mouses over the icon, the error message is displayed as a tooltip.

What is CLR?
Answer 1:
CLR(Common Language Runtime) is the main resource of .Net Framework. it is collection of services like garbage collector, exception handler, jit compilers etc. with the CLR cross language integration is possible.

Answer 2:
The .NET Framework provides a runtime environment which runs the code and provides services that make the development process easier. This runtime environment in .NET Framework is known as Common Language Runtime (CLR). The CLR sits at the very heart of managed code. Common Language Runtime is the generalized multi-language, reflective execution engine on which code originally written in various languages runs. At a higher level, CLR is simply an engine that takes in Intermediate Language (IL) instructions, translates them into machine instructions, and executes them. Although the common language runtime provides many standard runtime services, managed code is never interpreted. A feature called just-in-time (JIT) compiling enables all managed code to run in the native machine language of the system on which it is executing. The CLR shares much in common with a traditional operating system.

Managed code is the term used for any code that is running on .NET Framework.

The CLR provides the infrastructure that enables managed code to execute as well provides variety of services during execution. When a method, for which IL has been generated, is called for the first time the CLR compiles the IL into native code that is specific to the processor the Environment it is running on (This process is known as Just in Time Compilation or JIT). If the same method is called next time, the existing JIT compiled code is reused. During execution managed code receives variety of services from the runtime environment.

When compiling to managed code, the compiler translates your source code into Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL), which is a CPU-independent set of instructions that can be efficiently converted to native code. Intermediate Language is a binary assembly language that is compiled at runtime down to whatever machine language is appropriate for the host CPU. This runtime compilation is called Just-In-Time Compiling or JIT-compiling.

Advantages of Managed Execution Environments
In unmanaged environments the compiler and linker directly compile the source code in to native instructions that are targeted at a specific processor. The disadvantage of this process is that each time you want to run your executable on a different platform you will have to re-compile the code using a compiler and linker that will compile the code that is targeted at the specific hardware. This means that each time you want your application to run on a different platform, you will have to ship the compiled instructions again and again. As this leads to compiling and maintaining multiple versions of the same application, the companies try to create a more generalized compiled version in order to target most of the environments. This process is known as the Lowest Common Denominator approach. This leads to a more generalized program which is not optimized properly and does not take advantages of the underlying hardware infrastructure (processor, cache, etc). Because the CLR supplies one or more Just in Time Compiler for each computer architecture it supports, the same set of MSIL can be JIT-compiled and run on any supported architecture. This

CLR provides the following benefits for developers:
Vastly simplified development.
Seamless integration of code written in various languages.
Evidence-based security with code identity.
Assembly-based deployment that eliminates DLL Hell.
Side-by-side versioning of reusable components.
Code reuse through implementation inheritance.
Automatic object lifetime management.
Code access security.
Cross Language Integration.
Self describing objects.

The CLR automatically handles object layout and manages references to objects, releasing them when they are no longer being used. This automatic memory management resolves the two most common application errors, memory leaks and invalid memory references. This process is known as Garbage Collection. The CLR also manages thread execution, code execution, code safety verification, compilation, and other system services.

The CLR is designed for the software of the future, and it also supports software of today and yesterday. Interoperability between managed and unmanaged code provided by CLR helps developers continue to use necessary COM components and DLLs.

What is Delegate and what is it used for ?
Delegate is kinda like a pointer to a function in C++ or like an event handler in Java
You can use it to “multicast” which means running multiple functions in different instances of object already created.
This is useful when you want your objects to “register” to an event raised by another object.
The way it works is the object you are registered to listen to recieves the delegate of the function it is supposed to run in your object, the delegate is then run from it. (if you switch the word delegate for pointer, this would be much simpler)

How is meant by DLL ?
A DLL (Dynamic Link Library) is a file that can be loaded and executed by programs dynamically. Basically it’s an external code repository for programs. Since usually several different programs reuse the same DLL instead of having that code in their own file, this dramatically reduces required storage space. A synonym for a DLL would be library.

Which DLL translate XML to SQL in IIS?

Can anyone tell me about Secure Socket Layer? How to make use of the technology?
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS), its successor, are cryptographic protocols which provide secure communications on the Internet. There are slight differences between SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0, but the protocol remains substantially the same. The term “SSL” as used here applies to both protocols unless clarified by context.

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