Wednesday, May 30, 2007

dotnet faqs 8

.NET Interview Questions And Answers [.NET Frequently Asked Questions ,.NET FAQ ]

What are the authentication methods in .NET?
There are 4 types of authentications.

The authentication option for the ASP.NET application is specified by using the tag in the Web.config file, as shown below:
other authentication options
I. Integrated Windows authentication
II. Basic and basic with SSL authentication
III. Digest authentication
IV. Client Certificate authentication

You, as a Web application developer, are supposed to develop the Web page and authenticate the user by checking the provided user ID and password against some user database

A centralized service provided by Microsoft, offers a single logon point for clients. Unauthenticated users are redirected to the Passport site

If we don’t want ASP.NET to perform any authentication, we can set the authentication mode to “none”. The reason behind this decision could be: We don’t want to authenticate our users, and our Web site is open for all to use. We want to provide our own custom authentication

What is Serialization in .NET?
The serialization is the process of converting the objects into stream of bytes.
they or used for transport the objects(via remoting) and persist objects(via files and databases)

When developing smaller applications that do not have a database (or other formal storage mechanism) or data that doesn’t need to be stored in a database (such as the state of a web application), you often still would like to save the data for later retrieval. There are many ways to do this, but many of them are subject to a lot of extra code (work) and extra time spent debugging. With .NET, there is now an easy way to add this functionality to your code with only a few lines of easily tested code. This easy way is called serialization.

Serialization is the process of storing an object, including all of its public and private fields, to a stream. Deserialization is the opposite – restoring an object’s field values from a stream. The stream is generally in the form of a FileStream, but does not have to be. It could be a memory stream or any other object that is of type IO.Stream. The format can be anything from XML to binary to SOAP.

What’s the use of System.Diagnostics.Process class?
By using System.Diagnostics.Process class, we can provide access to the files which are presented in the local and remote system.
Example: System.Diagnostics.Process(”c:\mlaks\example.txt”) — local file
System.Diagnostics.Process(”\example.txt”) — remote file

What are the authentication methods in .NET?
Abstract class: This class has abstract methods (no body). This class cannot be instantiated. One needs to provide the implementation of the methods by overriding them in the derived class. No Multiple Inheritance.
Interfaces: Interface class contains all abstract methods which are public by default. All of these methods must be implemented in the derived class. One can inherit from from more than one interface thus provides for Multiple Inheritance.

re-clarification of object based:
VB6 DOES support polymorphism and interface inheritance. It also supports the “Implements” keyword. What is not supported in vb6 is implementation inheritance.
Also, from above, vb6 DOES “provides access to third-party controls like COM, DCOM ” That is not anything new in .NET.

How to achieve Polymorphism in VB.Net?
We can achieve polymarphism in .Net i.e Compile time polymarphism and Runtime polymarphism. Compiletime Polymarphism achieved by method overloading. Runtime polymarphism achieved by Early Binding or Late Binding. Provide the function pointer to the object at compile time called as Early Binding.
provide the function pointer to the object at runtime called as Late Binding
class emp having the method display()
class dept having the method display()

create objects as in the main function
// Early binding
dim obj as new emp
dim ob as new dept

obj.display()-to call the display method of emp class
ob.display-to call the display method of the dept class
// Late binding

create object in the main class as
object obj
obj=new emp
obj.display()-to call the display of emp class
obj=new dept
obj.display()-to call the display of dept class

Difference between Class And Interface
Class is logical representation of object. It is collection of data and related sub procedures with defination.
Interface is also a class containg methods which is not having any definations.
Class does not support multiple inheritance. But interface can support.

What doesu mean by .NET framework?
The .NET Framework is an environment for building, deploying, and running Web Services and other applications. It consists of three main parts: the Common Language Runtime, the Framework classes, and ASP.NET

What is assembly?
It is a single deployable unit that contains all the information abt the implimentation of classes , stuctures and interfaces

What is namespaces?
It is a logical group of related classes and interfaces and that can be used byany language targeting the .net framework.

.NET framework programming interview questions

.NET framework overview

1. Has own class libraries. System is the main namespace and all other namespaces are subsets of this.
2. It has CLR(Common language runtime, Common type system, common language specification)
3. All the types are part of CTS and Object is the base class for all the types.
4. If a language said to be .net complaint, it should be compatible with CTS and CLS.
5. All the code compiled into an intermediate language by the .Net language compiler, which is nothing but an assembly.
6. During runtime, JIT of CLR picks the IL code and converts into PE machine code and from there it processes the request.
8. Garbage Collection
9. Dispose, finalize, suppress finalize, Idispose interface
10. Assemblies, Namespace: Assembly is a collection of class/namespaces. An assembly contains Manifest, Metadata, Resource files, IL code
11. Com interoperability, adding references, web references
12. Database connectivity and providers

Application Domain
1. Class modifiers: public, private, friend, protected, protected friend, mustinherit, NotInheritable
2. Method modifiers: public, private
3. Overridable
4. Shadows
5. Overloadable
6. Overrides
7. Overloads
8. Set/Get Property
9. IIF
10. Inheritance
11. Polymorphism
12. Delegates
13. Events
14. Reflection
15. Boxing
16. UnBoxing

1. Web Controls: Data grid (templates, sorting, paging, bound columns, unbound columns, data binding), Data list, repeater controls
2. HTML Controls
3. Code behind pages, base class
4. Web.config: App settings, identity (impersonate), authentication (windows, forms, anonymous, passport), authorization
5. Databind.eval
6. Trace, Debug
7. Output cache
8. Session management
9. Application, Session
10. Global.asax httpapplication
11. User controls, custom controls, custom rendered controls (postback event, postdatachanged event) usercontrol is the base class
12. Directives

1. Command object (ExecuteNonquery, ExecuteReader, ExecuteXMLReader, ExecuteScalar)
2. DataAdapter object (Fill)
3. Dataset (collection of tables)
4. CommandBuiler object
5. Transaction Object
6. Isolation levels

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